My name is DAN ARRIOLA, and I’m running for TRACY MAYOR because this moment in history demands a leader who can secure a better future for all.
Having grown up in the City of Tracy, I’ve seen our community change and grow, and it’s important that we adapt to the complex challenges cities face in the 21st-century. After graduating from West High School, I earned a degree from UCLA and a doctorate from USC Law. I became an attorney and returned home to Tracy because I knew that I wanted to serve THIS community.
As a Tracy City Councilmember and a Deputy District Attorney, I have committed myself to making Tracy the best community possible, and I am incredibly optimistic about its future. While serving on the Tracy City Council, I've fought to ensure that action gets done—but there is still much work to do!
• It’s time to prioritize PUBLIC SAFETY. As a Deputy District Attorney, I fight for justice in our community each and every day. I have worked alongside Tracy Police Officers and I have a thorough understanding of law enforcement needs in our city. I will fight to ensure that public safety is our highest priority, and to develop comprehensive solutions to complex issues like homelessness and reducing neighborhood violence.
• It’s time for GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY in Tracy. I believe in transparency and ethical practices in governance. As part of the legal team that uncovered severe corruption in Los Angeles County jails—resulting in the felony conviction of the LA Sheriff—I’m not afraid to hold those in power accountable for their actions. I will fight to restore public confidence and trust in the integrity of local government. Government accountability also requires that the City passes a balanced budget, something that I was proud to accomplish each and every year that I served on the Tracy School Board.
• It’s time to rebuild the ECONOMY and city INFRASTRUCTURE. I will fight for 21st-century jobs, green renewable energy, and ValleyLink connectivity to BART. Future-driven investments in infrastructure and economic development—alongside smart growth strategies to oppose urban sprawl—will be fundamental to the future success of our city. Bringing the ValleyLink light-rail system and investing in green renewable energy technology are key components for this success!
• It’s time to rethink ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT in Tracy. As a former business owner and a young business leader in the community, I know that working class people in Tracy need economic opportunities to support households with good jobs, not merely entry-level positions. I will fight to secure local job opportunities that support CAREERS with living wages. This requires that the City of Tracy focus on creating jobs in targeted innovative industries—just like my efforts in fighting to bring the commercial cannabis industry to our city.
• It’s time to address AFFORDABLE WORKFORCE HOUSING in our city. I grew up in a low-income household and my family lost our home during the Great Recession, so I am very familiar with the struggles that everyday people face in our community. As the first ever “millennial” elected to office in the City of Tracy, I also understand how challenging the current economy has made it for many young people and professionals to secure housing for themselves. As the prices of homes in Tracy skyrockets, I will fight to secure middle-class affordable homes for our community.
The City of Tracy needs everyday citizens seated on the City Council to make decisions for our community. As the demographic of our city changes, millennials and young professionals—the next generation of working class citizens in the community—deserve to be represented and have their voices heard on the City Council.
It’s time to take responsibility for the future of our community.